<!DOCTYPE html><html>
<title>Eighth Lesson of HTML</title>
<h2>What is CSS?? What role it plays for HTML??</h2>
<h3>CSS, is cascading style sheets. This is the way to decorate or style our html page to make it look more attractive. CSS can be add in 3 ways in HTML element.
<p>Inline - This can be use within the HTML element, with style attribute.</p>
For example:
<h2 style="color:red;">You are learning CSS lesson through JS Informatics!!!</h2>
<!---Above code shows, inline styling---->
<p>Internal - This can be use in the head section of HTML page, with style attribute.</p>
<p>External - This can be use by making another file or external sheet, which can be linked in the main or index file.</p>
Now, Few Key points to remember always:
- External stylesheet always be saved with .css extension.
- External stylesheet is a good practice of using CSS, because with just only one file, we can change the look of complete webpage or website.